Monday, August 29, 2011

Adiponectin In Insulin Resistance

What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a condition where the concentration of insulin in the body are very high but the body does not respond properly to insulin, so as if the deficiency of insulin. As a result, blood sugar contained in our bodies can not be balanced or excess blood sugar and eventually someone can get diabetes.Type diabetes resulting from insulin resistance were classified as type 2 diabetes or type 2 diabetes mellitus.

What is adiponectin? Today has found a protein involved in insulin resistance is adiponectin. Adiponectin is one of the proteins that have important effects in maintaining the balance of sugar and fat. Adiponectin function in increasing the sensitivity / sensitivity of the organs of the body to insulin so that play a role in regulating the balance of sugar in the body. In normal conditions, adiponectin will maintain the balance of blood sugar through the reduction of sugar produced by the liver and maximize the use of sugar by the organs of the body that need sugar as an energy source.

The concentration of adiponectin in the body will decrease in the state of obesity (overweight) and insulin resistance. Low concentrations of adiponectin are found in individuals with insulin resistance, regardless rather than whether they are obese (overweight) or not. These findings suggest that low adiponectin concentrations directly contribute to the setting changes the balance of sugar and decrease insulin sensitivity in the liver.

Adiponectin examination is also useful to look at the risk of future diabetes because adiponectin plays a role in maintaining the balance blood sugar metabolism in the body. Individuals who have risk factors are those that have diabetes family descendants. They can conduct examination of adiponectin to view the possibility of occurrence of diabetes in the future.

Increased concentrations of adiponectin associated with the regulation of sugar concentration is better, better lipid profile and decreased inflammation (inflammatory) infection in individuals with insulin resistance and diabetes sufferers. Determination of the concentration of adiponectin is critical to determine the risk of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) in people with diabetes.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Herbal Treatment of Asthma and Sinusitis

Bronchial asthma is a disease of airway inflammation with symptoms of hyperactivity in the airways. Namely, characterized by airway constriction. At the beginning of the signs were very simple such as cough-cough in the evening or morning when the humidity changes.

• Case Studies
Juliana (39) has fifteen years of foster homes and has been blessed with three children who are now reset their teens. Five years ago, Juliana had declared the disease an acute shortness of breath or asthma. Many of the things that make gasping like allergies to pets, dust the room, carpet and some of the things that make breathing allergies. Medical therapy continues to be done even he had received supplemental oxygen to cope with a chronic crowded. However, a day or two, his asthma was cured. But, then relapsed again and so on. Until now the family home must be kept clean Juliana to avoid things that can cause asthma relapse. This is worsened by sinus disease is very disturbing breathing housewives.

• The Medical
Bronchial asthma is a disease of airway inflammation with symptoms of hyperactivity in the airways. Namely, characterized by airway constriction. At the beginning of the signs were very simple such as cough-cough in the evening or morning when the humidity changes. Then it will further narrowing even more weight and will be increasingly difficult to get out of breath. Will usually cause the sound of "ngik".The best way to cope is to avoid things that cause allergies, such as house dust and pet dander. Bronchial relief needed to overcome bronchial spasms such as the use of inhalers. Topical corticosteroids are very useful in the form of inhalers, although the effect was not as fast bronkoditasi drug medication Ventolin (salbutamol). In addition, the drug Intal (sodium cromoglycate) is also working inhibit antigen complex formation and prevent the release of histamine that cause asthma symptoms.

Treatment herbalism Asthma has been particularly acute when it must use special tools to assist breathing. The disease can also be overcome with a few herbal ingredients that act as anti-asthma and bronchial. Some ingredients in herbal medicines also have a content of active substances which contain alkaloids, such as substance hiosina, hioiamina, and skolamina. Signs of asthma is easy to recognize when we are already familiar with a history of asthma are also on the family, eg parents. And we must quickly handle, because treating asthma will further facilitate early treatment and can maintain lung function better.

1. Chili
2. Ice
3. Soda
4. Avoiding the use of chemical drugs are exaggerated. 
5. avoiding pet hairs

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Herbal Treatment of Heart Disease

Heart attack or myocardial infarstion a heart attack that occurs when blood clots to occur on the walls of coronary arteries, thus inhibiting the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart. This disease not only attack on a busy working man, but can also attack the woman da kids.

• Case Patients
Wahyudi (37) a state employee who has been blessed with two sons who are very sweet. Lately, Wahyudi otherwise suffer from heart disease after he suffered adverse events. According to the story, he was robbed on his way to a village in Sumatra page. Until now, if he remembered the matter, her heart pounding, thereby disrupting its work. In fact, he could not hear the voices that surprised him, because he could pass out at once. Medical therapy especially in specialist in internal medicine through, but the disease continued to recur, until he tries to be alternative therapies.

• The Medical
Heart attack or myocardial infarstion a heart attack that occurs when blood clots to occur on the walls of coronary arteries, thus inhibiting the supply of oxygenated blood to the heart. This disease not only attack on a busy working man, but can also attack the woman da kids.

Until recently, in Indonesia found three types of heart disease are fairly universal, ie, congenital heart disease (kogenital), heart valve disease, as well as the bad heart disease. Since the disease emerged after the adults. People suffering from cardiac disorders can lead to heart failure, heart rhythm disturbances, as well as cyanosis attacks. Heart failure can occur in two earlier groups, whereas cardiac rhythm disturbances can occur in an anatomically normal heart, but it has its own disorder. Some other causes of cardiac infarction, in whom the habit of smoking, hypertension as a result, the influence cholesterol levels, due to diabetes, lack of motor activity, lack of patience as well as due to stress.

• Herbal Medicine
Many of the symptoms caused when we have a heart attack, including shortness of breath when doing heavy activity specifically at night. In addition, other prominent symptoms include heart palpitations, swollen feet, feel tired, cold sweat in large quantities (especially the organs of the bottom), and breathless. Herbalists highly advise people with this disease to rest more. When there are signs like the above, immediately lie down. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day and eat healthy food.

1. Cigarette 
2. Alcoholic beverages or alcoholic 
3. High fat foods 
4. Offal 
5. Yolk 
6. Crab 
7. Reduce consumption of saturated fat as well, such as coconut oil, butter, or oil palm, and exercising regularly.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Herbal Treatment Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are more due to the clumping of calcium crystals in the bladder.Usually, if not immediately anticipated, the stone will continue to grow, so will obstruct the flow of urine, which will continue to grow, so will obstruct the flow of urine coming out. 

• Case Studies Initially, pain during urination for Andi considered trivial. But the pain was persistent, so that when waste water is an ordeal that very much. After learning that he suffered from kidney stones, then he consumes the drugs are sold freely on the market. However, the results are still not improved. Andi greatly decreased body condition. When a doctor, there is a stone of a marble lodged in the urinary tract glands. Therapy clinicians continue to do, but not getting satisfactory results.

• The Medical Kidney stones are more due to the clumping of calcium crystals in the bladder.Usually, if not immediately anticipated, the stone will continue to grow, so will obstruct the flow of urine, which will continue to grow, so will obstruct the flow of urine coming out. If it is acute, can cause bleeding due to friction of stone with water which will come out damaging the wall of expenditure. When the extract of hard drugs to treat it, can be done by surgery, although this is rarely done. 

• Herbal Side Kidneys are the organs are very delicate and can be impaired by blood vessels due to hypertension or due to the formation of crystals or kidney stones often called when it has hardened and petrified. Herbal medicines are very effective to support the production of hormones and can work directly on the affected organ or tissue.

1. Mutton 
2. Offal 
3. Aperitif

Leukemia Herbal Treatment

For sufferers of leukemia, many steps must be performed by the patient in order to avoid such patients did not hurt the body parts. Leukemia is a lot of infected red blood system caused, and is unable to work properly.

• Case Patients
Parents who would not be surprised if the verdict doctor that the child's first pet suffering from leukemia or blood cancer. Tisna is experienced, junior grade 3 students, who since the last few months this change in him. Changes that occur when previously he seemed cheerful and intelligent, now withered, often weak-weak, even at a certain moment he was vomiting. In certain parts of the visible bruising bluish color like it had hit something. Several medical therapies carried out until the family has a lot to pay for his son's healing.

• The Medical
For sufferers of leukemia, many steps must be performed by the patient in order to avoid such patients did not hurt the body parts. Leukemia is a lot of infected red blood system caused, and is unable to work properly. Leukemia patients are not just attacking the children, but also adults. If the patient is already visible acute medical help has been very small, because they have to do surgery and blood replacement, and so on. Many of the symptoms caused by disease, such as bluish on the body and the patient will be pale and limp-limp. If your child is approaching such symptoms, immediately consult the nearest doctor.

• Side herbalism
Medically blood cancer as a disease is often identified abnormalities in the blood. For that, herbalism saw there was something in his blood is not normal, so patients often feel weak and pale as anemia. Sometimes arise bluish like a beaten or fell. Sometimes also from the nose out the nose bleeds and bleeds a lot and hard to stop. Leukemia did not know the age, because not only adults, but children were also susceptible to diseases that are refractory.

• pickle
• Pare
• Ice / Cold Water
• Meat Goat
• Buffalo Meat
• Carbonated Drinks

Monday, August 22, 2011

Herbal Treatment of Diseases Hypertension "High Blood"

Hypertension is a serious health problem in Indonesia, because nearly 15-20 percent of adult men have hypertension. The older a person, the blood pressure to rise by 50 to 60 percent, and he suffered acute hypertension. Hypertension in the beginning there are symptoms of blood pressure is not the norm or is already too long, giving rise to complications.

• Case Studies
Robert (41), manager of a garment company, recently was not liked by friends of the company. Because he often vent his frustration by acting or curse anyone. But no one knew that behind that Robert experienced the frustration and prolonged stress, as many companies suffered a setback due to the many rivals. In any house, Robert is also often vent their anger by breaking objects that the wife and children away from him precisely because of fear. He then went to a psychologist and ask her attitude during this time. However, by the psychologist he was actually advised to see the doctor. The result, Robert experiencing symptoms of hypertension that has actually been experienced for a long time.

• The Medical
Hypertension is a serious health problem in Indonesia, because nearly 15-20 percent of adult men have hypertension. The older a person, the blood pressure to rise by 50 to 60 percent, and he suffered acute hypertension. Hypertension in the beginning there are symptoms of blood pressure is not the norm or is already too long, giving rise to complications. The first complications, hypertension, coronary heart disease is actually a disorder, stroke, kidney failure, and vascular disorders. Due to very serious complications and even lead to disability, most importantly, it should immediately treat hypertension.What is the treatment? The first one, do not overeat so not fat and not smoking.If already have hypertension seek help immediately.

• The herbalist
In the interaction of social environment, many changes to be done. A healthy person should interact and adjust to first instead of someone who was sick.Social environment, especially the family, strongly support a more effective healing. High blood pressure is to keep one's temper is especially uncomplicated by heart and so on. What is needed here is a touch of social interaction and religion or spirituality help cure patients. 

• Fatty foods
• Soft drinks
• mustard
• Petai
• Jengkol
• Coffee

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Treatment of diabetes mellitus

Meal planning, exercise and weight loss efforts is the basis of how diabetics millitus facing illness. Without meal planning and discipline to undergo, for example, the patient would be impossible to overcome the disease. Even millitus diabetes who are still in the mild stage can be solved / cured only with diet alone. If all the above efforts have been undertaken with good blood sugar levels but not yet in the normal range, then the patient requires medication.

Drugs for diabetes mellitus are known as hypoglycemic drugs or drugs in lowering blood glucose levels. Although effective and easy to wear, use of these drugs should be appropriate dosage or according to doctor's instructions. If the dose is too low chronic complications will arise early. Being excessive dosage or the wrong way can lead to the use of hypoglycemia.

There are two kinds of hypoglycemic drugs. Namely in the form of injections and tablets. For most people, the term itself had been abandoned drugs. Since there is no medicine that can cure diabetes millitus. Healing can only when accompanied by an attitude of life-planning eating right. There are two classes of oral hypoglycemic drugs and biguanid sulfonylurea class.

• Case Studies Rudi (30) previously was a very accomplished athlete. However, exercise habits suddenly stopped. This resulted in her frequently ill. Plus, Rudi also consume alcoholic beverages. As a result, his condition continued to deteriorate as easily tired and listless. In addition, her weight (even though he ate a lot) is also getting down and almost any time is always thirsty. He finally went to the doctor. After doing a general check-up, he declared affected by diabetes, which is already quite acute and need special care.

• The Medical Diabetes mellitus is a disease that is basically not so dangerous. However, the fear is that if it had a long-term complications, the disease can cause other illnesses, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and kidney. Then if someone comes into a special treatment center for the disease to prevent complications with running. Basically this diabetes decreases and complex nature. This condition occurs because the pancreas produces too little hormone insulin which prevents the sugar in the body. As a result, sugar excreted in the urine.This creates a feeling thirsty and lost a lot of weight. If allowed, this causes the formation of cataracts or blood ketone preformance. These ketones if left to accumulate and cause physical collapse, and even coma. Diabetes is generally treated with insulin and diet control strict diet.

Treatment herbalist
From the herbalist, people affected by diabetes over the age young people need insulin for long periods of time even a lifetime. Yet, the discipline to keep blood sugar that enters the body is one alternative to reduce the spread of the disease. This requires prevention of complications by changing the wrong way of life as westernized way of life became traditional way of life such as eating foods containing starches. Thus, the levels and the number of diabetic patients in the future can be prevented and complications can be reduced if accompanied with a healthy lifestyle.

1. Ice 
2. Soft drinks
3. Substances that contain lots of sugar
4. Avoid smoking

Medical Treatment The definition of medical treatment is treatment with medical discipline.Medical drugs can be divided into several groups.

Sulfonylurea group can lower high blood glucose levels by stimulating the release of insulin from pancreatic b cells. Thus when the pancreas is damaged and can not produce insulin anymore then this drug can not be used. Therefore this drug is not useful for people with type I diabetes millitus However, it would be efficacious when administered in patients with type II diabetes millitus who have normal weight. Use of drugs known as sulfonylureas in obese and obesity should be careful. Because of possible levels of insulin in the blood is high (hyperinsulinemia). It's just that there are insulin can not work effectively. In patients with diabetes mellitus with obesity, this class of drug delivery will spur the pancreas release more insulin. Consequently hiperinsulmnemia state becomes higher. This is dangerous because it can cause various diseases.

These drugs work by increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin produced by the body itself. This drug does not stimulate increased production of insulin so that a single use does not cause hypoglycemia.Biguanid drugs recommended as a single agent in patients with diabetes mellitus with obesity (BBR> 120%). For people with diabetes mellitus who are obese (BBR> 110%) can be combined with drug use sulfonilunea class. Side effects that often occur from the use of drugs known as biguanid are gastrointestinal disorders in the first days of treatment. To avoid this, suggested by a low dose and drink while eating or just before eating. Pregnant women and breastfeeding is not recommended to use this class of drugs.

Acarbose works by slowing the digestion of carbohydrates into glucose. Thus, blood glucose levels after meals does not increase sharply. The remaining undigested carbohydrates will be utilized by bacteria in the colon, and this causes the stomach to be bloated, frequent flatulence, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Use of these drugs can be combined with drugs known as sulfonylureas or insulin, but in case of hypoglycemia effect can only be solved with pure sugar called glucose or dextrose. Sugar is not useful. Acarbose These drugs are not given to people with less and 18 years of age, chronic digestive disorders, and pregnant and lactating women. Acarbose effective in patients who ate more carbohydrates and fasting blood sugar levels over 180 mg / dl.

Insulin is injected as a drug to cover the lack of insulin the body (endogenous) due to pancreatic b cells gland can not meet existing needs.Treatment with insulin based on the condition of each patient and only a competent doctor to choose the type and dose. For that insulin is used in patients with type I diabetes millitus Patients in this group should be able to inject their own insulin.

For most patients with type II diabetes millitus, also required the use of insulin.The following indications show that patients need to use insulin.

Diabetes with acute complications such as gangrene. Other ketoacidosis and coma in patients. Diabetes in pregnancy is not controlled with meal planning. Patient weight decreased rapidly. Diabetes mellitus who are not successfully managed with maximal doses of hypoglycemic tablets. Diseases accompanied by impaired liver function and kidney weight. There are different types of insulin, namely Insulin Work Faster (Short acting insuline), Insulin Working Medium (Intermediate acting insuline) and insulin premix (Premixing insuline) which is a mixture of short acting and intermediate acting insuline insuline. There are also insulin that has a working 24-hour power (Long acting insuline).

Traditional Medicine Traditional medicine, treatment using ingredients from medicinal plants has been known for thousands of years ago. In general, understands this is called herbalism, which is an effort to improve body functions by using plant materials, both derived from a single plant or several plants of the herb. In herbalism there is a basic principle, namely using plants as a whole. So instead of taking substances that are useful for certain diseases or even receipts mixtures of synthetic materials. Manufacture of traditional medicine is quite simple, so anyone who wants to learn it certainly can process them.

Between Medical Treatment and Traditional Medicine
There is a difference between traditional medicine with medical treatment (modern medicine). The crushing medical treatment. For that reaction that is usually felt sooner. While traditional medicine in character building. The reaction is pretty slow.

The above is consistent with the basic principles of medical treatment and herbalism. Traditional treatment adhered to the balance organ function naturally. So he not only treat or relieve symptoms of one disease, but trying to restore the function of the body to become balanced again. Traditional treatment usually less suitable for things that are to be quick handling, eg for acute infection. Instead of traditional medicine is very good for chronic diseases are even no longer able to be treated by medical means.

Basically, our bodies have the amazing ability to heal diseases. The emergence of the disease itself is understandable because the function of the body become unbalanced. Imbalance is caused by various factors, ranging from environmental factors, physical, emotional / psychological, as well as social factors such as changes in eating habits, etc.. So if there is one disorder or dysfunction at the cellular level in a body part, then this will lead to imbalances elsewhere. If our bodies can not cope with this, then there will be a single disease. The disease itself is ultimately a dysfunction of a body part that would lead to imbalance the other section. So forth. Examples of these events can be seen clearly on the complications caused by diabetes millitus (see page complication).

In herbalism known one term backlash or follow-back. Follow-back is directly related to the immune system. In reply to these acts of our immune system get rid of substances or waste products (toxins) that are not needed by the body.So in a follow-back place a process of detoxification. Follow-back is very different from what the science of medicine called a disease crisis. Disease crisis occurs because the body is unable to deal with a disease or substances that are toxic to the body including the chemicals of medical drugs. That is why in medicine has always emphasized the existence of side effects.