Kidney stones are more due to the clumping of calcium crystals in the bladder.Usually, if not immediately anticipated, the stone will continue to grow, so will obstruct the flow of urine, which will continue to grow, so will obstruct the flow of urine coming out.
• Case Studies Initially, pain during urination for Andi considered trivial. But the pain was persistent, so that when waste water is an ordeal that very much. After learning that he suffered from kidney stones, then he consumes the drugs are sold freely on the market. However, the results are still not improved. Andi greatly decreased body condition. When a doctor, there is a stone of a marble lodged in the urinary tract glands. Therapy clinicians continue to do, but not getting satisfactory results.
• Case Studies Initially, pain during urination for Andi considered trivial. But the pain was persistent, so that when waste water is an ordeal that very much. After learning that he suffered from kidney stones, then he consumes the drugs are sold freely on the market. However, the results are still not improved. Andi greatly decreased body condition. When a doctor, there is a stone of a marble lodged in the urinary tract glands. Therapy clinicians continue to do, but not getting satisfactory results.
• The Medical Kidney stones are more due to the clumping of calcium crystals in the bladder.Usually, if not immediately anticipated, the stone will continue to grow, so will obstruct the flow of urine, which will continue to grow, so will obstruct the flow of urine coming out. If it is acute, can cause bleeding due to friction of stone with water which will come out damaging the wall of expenditure. When the extract of hard drugs to treat it, can be done by surgery, although this is rarely done.
• Herbal Side Kidneys are the organs are very delicate and can be impaired by blood vessels due to hypertension or due to the formation of crystals or kidney stones often called when it has hardened and petrified. Herbal medicines are very effective to support the production of hormones and can work directly on the affected organ or tissue.
1. Mutton
2. Offal
3. Aperitif
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